The PAC 12, the BIG 10 are not playing this year out of the POWER conferences.  As I have been saying for years we should leave student out of student athlete.  It's all about the money.  Why would any school risk playing sports when there is still a pandemic situation going on?  It's dumb.  I called a game on Friday, they have certain rules that spread out the athletes on the sideline.  WHAT?  The dumbest thing I have ever heard.  So, while they are spread out on the sideline they are face to face with the other team on the field.  It presents a HUGE problem.  You don't know the exposure of the other athletes that you are playing against.  Furthermore, the risks it has for that players family.  Example:  Let's say an athlete gets the virus and not knows he really has it, then he gives it to another player on another team, that player then goes  home and gives it to his sibling who in turn gives it to Grandma.  Grandma then dies.  Who bares that responsibility?  The schools do...PERIOD.  But, I would be willing to bet they won't say it's their fault.

Why play the game?  MONEY.  At this point there won't be a true champion because other POWER conferences aren't playing.  I do understand that athletes that have earned scholarships will be on campus.  However, there is no excuse anyone can give me that will risk the lives of anyone just to play a sport.  No matter how they minimize it, if there is a chance no matter how small, it's too big of a risk to take.  Most fans don't seem to care.  In their minds they won't sports at any cost and why not their family is not our there risking their lives.  Rushing things is not going to help and we have seen that this summer with the openings of businesses.  This is a terrible decision by the SEC driven by money and possibly put the basketball season at an even higher risk of not being played.  In my opinion, they should have waited until January and start with basketball.  Life is not worth losing over a sport. The NCAA and these Universities that have chosen to play have shown us what it's really all about.  The money because they sure as hell don't care rather these athletes or their families get exposed as long as the games are played. 


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