Horrible officiating

Normally, we don't talk girl's basketball here.  There are the only team playing worth it's salt right now.  It was nice to see the lady's dominate against 15 ranked Kentucky.  However, if it were not been for their great outside shooting they would have lost the game....primarily because of the horrible officiating.  Several calls I will talk about even though there were allot more.

1.  The blocking called against Arkansas player that didn't touch the UK player with the body at all.  She took it on the chin.  Even after the call was made the HC for Arkansas asked them to take a look at it and they refused.  Why?  Because they knew they would have been wrong and didn't want to look bad.

2.  All of the so called charging calls weren't charging at all.  I counted two against Arkansas.  The others were clearly moving unlike what the dumb commentators were saying that they were in position for a long time. 

3.  Several over the back calls that were obvious that should have been called against UK but called out against Arkansas. 

4.  The none shooting foul that was called against UK after Ark. player was fouled after the shot.  The rules about this are simple.  Even though the player may have already released the ball before contact was made, the ball was still in the air.  So, therefore, by rule it is a shooting foul. 

Officiating is a hard job and I haven't seen a perfect officiated game on any level.  But, when you have numerous mistakes that are obvious and not even close officials should be called out on it.  They were just down right horrible. 


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