Frequently Asked Questions - HAwg Channel
  1. What is difference between new Hawg Channel versus the original Hawg Channel created 3 in 2016?  The original Hawg Channel was hosted on a Disqus server.  When that Disqus Channels were scheduled to be decommissioned on 9/1/2019, this new site also called Hawg Channel was created.  The new Hawg Channel is hosted by Google
  2. What is name and URL link to the new Hawg Channel site?  Hawg Channel   https://hawgchannel.blogspot.com/
  3. When will old Hawg Channel be shutdown?  On 9/1/2019
  4. Can anyone post on new Hawg Channel?  Yes
  5. How do I subscribe to Hawg Channel?  On every page within the Top Header is a link to Subscribe.  Subscribing is the only way to get notifications of the new Topics or Threads that have been created.  It is very easy to turn on/off.  It is suggested to Subscribe so that you receive an email for all new content provided by the Contributors.
  6. What is Contributor or Author?  A person authorized to write stories or create new threads & content on the new Hawg Channel
  7. How do you become a Contributor or Author?   You must first have a gmail email account.  You request to become a Contributor or Author by sending your request along with your gmail address to the Contact Admin link that is on the left side of Home page.  At current on gmail address work.  If you do not have a gmail account or willing to create one you will not be able to post new content on this blog.  It is current Google requirement.  
  8. How do you create a new thread or topic for others to comment on? You must first become an approved Contributor or Author.  Once your name is listed as Contributor      -Click on your name under Contributors.
    - Click on Blogger (upper right)
    - Click New Post
  9. What is the difference between my comments I post on the stories versus the comments I post on the links to the side pages? Comments made on Home page and all of the new stories and content will use Disqus comments.  That is same commenting that was on old Hawg Channel. As long as you have Disqus screen name you may comment regardless of your email.  However, a few pages like thi sone FAQ doe not use Disqus comments. Any comment made below will be hosted by the Google blog and any email works for it was well.
  10. How do I contact the Administrator privately?  Click on Contact Admin on the left side of Home page.
  11. How do I flag a comment as inappropriate?  Select down arrow to the far right next to User's  name that posted.  Select the appropriate option
  12. How can I block or ignore a fellow poster?  Select down arrow to the far right next to User's  name that posted.  Select the appropriate option
  13. How can I get banned?   You may be banned for any reason than any of the Hawg Channel Moderators deem necessary.   Bans are at the sole discretion of Moderators. There is no re-course action, appeals or any time restrictions on any of the bans. 
  14. Is HAwg Channel free?  Yes 24/7
  15. How do I send in my $100,000 donation?  Click on Contact Admin on the left side of Home page. Note:  There is no limit on the number of $100,000 donations by any one poster.  Thank you


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