HA's 6th Hog Call 2019-2020

Rules are...
Pick total of 12 games for regular season. Must be number of wins and number of losses.
***2019 DEADLINE will be 8/30*** Like last year; NO EXCEPTIONS after the deadline.
Posters are responsible for any edits or corrections before the deadline. Errors found after deadline will be part of the game as Posters are responsible to ensure their entry is exactly as they intended. Predictions are voluntary.
Tiebreaker #1
Who will lead the Razorbacks in TD passess?
Tiebreaker #2
Who will lead the Razorback in yards Rushing?
Tiebreaker #3
How many TDs passes will be thrown by the Razorbacks QB leader?
CoolHogFan#1 11-1, Hicks, Whaley, 15

Aug. 31Portland State
Sept. 7at Ole Miss
Sept. 14Colorado State
Sept. 21San Jose State
Sept. 28vs. Texas A&M (Arlington)
Oct. 12at Kentucky
Oct. 19Auburn
Oct. 26at Alabama
Nov. 2Mississippi State
Nov. 9Western Kentucky
Nov. 23at LSU
Nov. 29Missouri (Little Rock)
Official Entries - Updates can be made through 8/30:

HogAuthority 5-7, Hicks, Whaley, 18
Marcm 7-5 Starkel, Boyd, 16
Black Oak Hogansas 6-6, Starkel, Boyd, 19
O.C.Pig 6-6, Hicks, Whaley, 20
TheSaintlyOne 3-9, Peavey, R. Boyd, 15
freeharmonics 5-7 Starkel, Boyd, 18


  1. HogAuthority 5-7, Hicks, Whaley, 18

  2. Marcm has requested 7-5 starkel, Boyd, 16


  3. 🐗O.C.Pig
    Yeah I tried twice I don't know. Anyway I'll take six and six Hicks Whaley 20

  4. TheSaintlyOne

    TheSaintlyOne 3-9, Peavey, R. Boyd, 15

  5. Hi this comment posted while not logged in to any Google account . You may delete it now.

    1. Thanks Adam, I think I will leave it as proof it can be done. Now we have to figure out why others can't?

      I need to try to focus on what they may be using browser device etc. Even when / if I learn that the issue is still there because they cannot easily comment.

      I hate to do it, but I may have to turn commenting off for these pages so we can only comment on New Post.

      Any ideas helpful Adam, thanks for dropping in. I will waive the $1,000/comment policy for you :-)


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