The NFL is a joke.

The other day, many athletes came together themselves to march and/or share their thoughts on social media during this pandemic in reference to social injustice.  My emotions are mixed.

These athletes have a platform that most African Americans don't.  They play in a sport that is followed by millions of people.  While unarmed black men and women were being killed by police and nothing was being done, Kaepernick chose to use this platform as a means to bringing attention to racial profiling, police brutality social injustices in this country.  However white America decided to make it their narrative instead.  While he took a knee quietly during the anthem on the field the voices of white fans and this President yelled their displeasure and turned it into disrespecting the flag.  Few black athletes took a knee with him concerned more about their pay checks than what was happening in the rest of the world.  Soon their after, Kaepernick was black balled from the NFL for his quiet expression.  Now, a few years later, situations have gotten worse and it has boiled over and black America is speaking out with marches and protests.  

Meanwhile, NFL players sat in their homes quiet until they saw millions speaking for the same neighborhoods and people they once grew up with.  Although, I appreciate them for doing it on one hand.  On the other hand, they took the easy route.  How much more impactful would this have been had they all decided to take a knee with Kaepernick?  What was the league going to do?  There is no way the NFL would have fired all of these AA players and risk the loss of money going into their own pockets.  These AA players have decided to stand take a stand now when it's easy.  There is little to no risks involved because there are millions of people on the front lines today for the cause.  I have heard them say that these are some of the same communities they grew up in.  Yet, they chose not to take a knee when Kaepernick did.  The impact of doing it then could have possibly brought an awareness much sooner to those who chose to keep their eyes closed.  It could have possibly saved the lives of those that have been lost by the hands of the police since then.

What do allot of white people do?  Including Fox News?  Rather than dealing with facts  Once again they are choosing their own narrative.  It was the Democrats fault.  It's Antifa.  And none of that can be substantiated.  

While these player decided to come together the NFL commissioner decides to say they were wrong.  Really?  It took him this long to realize that?  I don't believe him.  I believe he saw hundreds of NFL athletes taking a stand and wanted to protect his investment.  Had it only been one or two we would have never heard from Roger Godell.  If he is serious he should make a team take Kaepernick and the NFL give him back pay.  After all, when you do something wrong you must correct it.  He and the NFL have cost that man millions.  When he proved he was better than 80% of the QB's int the league they still turned their backs on him.  And yes, I did say make a team take him.  Because even if Godell is okay with a team taking him.....they won't.  Why?  Because all of those owners are white and support Trump.  Good luck on changing that mistake Roger.

Let me give you of an example of white ownership looking just like slavery or the day of teh plantation.  The NFL met secretly behind closed doors with out the NFLPA.  In other words, without the players insight.  Those white owners agreed that if a player is out during the anthem then they will have to stand for the anthem or stay inside.  Here is the kicker.  Plantation owner Jerry Jones stated that if those players wear his uniform they are going out there and stand.  And Dak with his uncle Tom behind was the biggest color media for them.  Big money makes you forget where you come from.  I respect everyone's opinion when it comes to the anthem.  If you feel like it's disrespectful you are entitle to that.  However, Those that don't should be allowed to feel that way and take a knee if they like.  The funny part is that the NFL didn't give a damn until 2009 when the military offered them money so that they would let their players out during the anthem.  I am okay with people saying that the owners are their bosses.  You are correct.  My question is, what is their job?  Where they hired to kneel or stand for the flag?  NO.  They are hired to play football.  The anthem has nothing to do with that.  Imagine your boss saying you may never bow your head in a motion of prayer even during your break.  

I haven't watched the NFL since the owners took that plantation mentality.  I have seen highlights but refuse to watch an entire game.  It's a shame the the NFL stood with the devil (Trump).  When are people in the NFL and this country going to wake up and open their eyes minds and hearts to listen.  There are few white people that have the right to even talk about racism.  If you haven't had an in depth study you don't really know what it is.  It's a system that has been designed to keep one group of people behind.  I could educate you some more on that but this would be longer than what it is.  To make it simple;  I have no right to tell a women what it's like to get pregnant because I am not a man.  The only racism white people know is from what they have read.  By the way, racism is not just the "N" word.  I have had so many white people tell me why I should vote Republican, how to do this and that as though I don't know how to think or rationalize enough to make the best decision for myself.  In other words, I need their help.  This nation will never be the same unto those that are white will shut up and listen, understand and be willing to work to make a change and know that it's not about you.  

The even bigger question is, while Roger made those comments where are the NFL owners.  We have seen them in action.  Most of them supported Trump in his rampage thoughts and opinions about what he thought of AA players taking a knee.  They stood with him.  Even went behind closed doors without the NFLPA to create a new policy to make players stand during the anthem if they are out on the field.  The policy stated that anyone that was on the field during the anthem must stand or they can stay in the locker room until it is over.  Let's not even talk about what the racist Jerry Jones and his son stated (what I call slavery mentality).  When he stated to the media that anyone that wears a Cowboy uniform will be out their standing.  I have no problem with Jerry's opinion or conviction.  We all have some.  My problem is when you make others do for the sake of a salary for those convictions.  Imagine when prayers was in school and teachers made every child bow their heads.  Yes, they asked everyone to bow their heads, however, kids didn't get into trouble for not doing that.  Why?  Because it had nothing to do with school or their work.  NFL players are not paid to kneel or stand for the anthem.  They are paid to play football.  To make them do something that is not related to their job is a form of systemic racism.  Most white football players could careless.  It was most impact by AA players.  Had most of these athletes not stated anything the NFL would have been quiet.  The ONLY reason they took this stance was because one thing MONEY.  The owners have chosen not to say a thing and ignore it.  


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